Qatar Youth Hostels organizes a training course to promote mental health

In line with its deep commitment to serving the Qatari youth community, Qatar Youth Hostels organized a training course related to the field of mental health. The seminar was presented by Dr Khalid Ahmed Abdul Jabbar under the theme – “How To Be Cool”.

The course aimed at transferring skills and knowledge on managing emotions, improving general behavior and performance. The course drew a great number of Qatar Youth Hostels members from both genders.

Commenting on the course, Dr Khalid Ahmed Abdul Jabbar stated, “I am very pleased to meet all the members of Qatar Youth Hostels and impressed by how they interacted with the training, which is an indication of the high level of awareness these young people possess. In addition, they have shown a deep interest in getting to know more about mental health and different methods of enhancing it using knowledge and behavioral skills, as well as thinking operational systems. This in turn will result in building ambitious successful young people on scientific, practical and social aspects of their lives.”

Dr Abdul Jabbar mentioned that he used scientific analysis methods to understand thoughts and emotions and how they work. He also added that the outcome of this course is very important because it helps to enhance self-confidence, ability to face different life circumstances, being able to gain other people’s respect, and help them develop better communication skills with different people and establish better connections at work. He also assured that successful people often have a level of balance between their mind and their emotions, which enables them to understand other people better and have self-respect as well as respect for other people.

Mr Ahmed Al Ajami – Public Relations and Media Manager at Qatar Youth Hostels stated, “This is only the beginning of the cultural season for Qatar Youth Hostels. We have a number of upcoming events that include seminars, lectures and activities that go along with both our goals and vision, as well as the vision of the Ministry of Culture and Sports to serve our beloved country and Qatari youth.”.

Mr Al Ajami confirmed that Qatar Youth Hostels is always keen on organizing programs that serve different age categories. The events aim to raise the level of awareness for young people, enabling them to face their challenges and problems in a better way, trigger their potentials and accomplish development in various aspects of life through the investment of young creative skills and powers.

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